This series was born in 2011 with a portrait of Berlusconi, in a time when our country, on the verge of collapse, was led by the famous statesman. From that moment, I decided to focus on portraying heads of state or PM's with controversial personalities and historic roles, to say the least.
My portraits aim at stressing the contrast between the images from official propaganda which they convey through the media and their more intimate and fragile side, hidden beneath the palm of their hand.

Rems182, Dreams-of-glory-III, 150x200cm

Rems182, Dreams of glory IV, 150x200cm

Rems182, Dreams of glory V, 150x200cm

Rems182, Dreams of glory VI, 150x200cm

Rems182, Dreams of glory VII, 150x200cm

Rems182, Dreams of glory I, 150x200cm, 2011

Live in Berlin, september 2011